Recommendations for optimal nitrogen rates have become more accurate and specific; there is greater attention to ensuring all plant nutrients are in adequate supply; trash retention has reduced erosion; controlled traffic farming and reduced tillage have improved soil structure and reduced costs. While well-managed legume fallows help break pest and disease cycles while reducing fertiliser costs and improving soil health.
The need to focus on soil health, not just nitrogen, and the importance of good agronomic practices is clear. Its evident that improved soil biology achieves healthier soils resulting in better yields, benefiting both the farm business and the environment.
Herbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
Herbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
View Case StudyHerbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
Herbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
View Case StudyHerbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
Herbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
View Case StudyThe practice is designed to reduce soil compaction caused by mismatched farm machinery wheel spacings and maintain a healthier soil structure through minimal tillage. Less tillage also reduces the potential for erosion.
While the many benefits - such as fuel savings, less wheel damage to stools, reduced tillage and more accurate placement of planting material, fertiliser and herbicides - are clear, the move takes time and patience as many farmers have discovered.
Herbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
Herbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
View Case StudyHerbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
Herbert River cane grower Robert Bonassi knows that soil health is key to slashing fertiliser rates without affecting yield. He's focused on fallow crops, mill by-products and soil tests in his transition to cane that
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